pyswitcheo.internal.urls package


pyswitcheo.internal.urls.address module

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.amounts module

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.balances module

Balances related API end point.

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.base module

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.contracts module

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.deposits module

Deposits related end points to be used on Switcheo.

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.offers module

An offer represents an open order that rests on the Switcheo Exchange offer book. Funds used to make an offer will be placed on hold unless the order is cancelled or filled.

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.orders module

Orders are instructions to buy or sell assets on Switcheo Exchange.

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.pairs module

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.tickers module

The tickers section consists of endpoints that allow retrieval of market data on Switcheo Exchange. Authentication is not required for these endpoints.

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.trades module

A trade represents a fill of an offer. This happens when an incoming order matches an offer on the opposite side of the order book in price. Trades can be seen on the Trade History column on Switcheo Exchange.

pyswitcheo.internal.urls.withdrawals module

Withdrawals related URIs

Module contents