pyswitcheo.internal.api package


pyswitcheo.internal.api.balances module

List contract balances of the given address and contract. The purpose of this endpoint is to allow convenient querying of a user’s balance across multiple blockchains, for example, if you want to retrieve a user’s NEO and ethereum balances. As such, when using this endpoint, balances for the specified addresses and contract hashes will be merged and summed.

pyswitcheo.internal.api.contracts module

pyswitcheo.internal.api.deposits module

Deposits allows movement of funds from your wallet into the Switcheo smart contract. This movement of funds is free of charge. Trading on Switcheo Exchange can only be done using funds that have been successfully deposited into the smart contract. Deposits are not instantaneous. Once a deposit has been executed, funds in your wallet balance would be deducted by the amount of tokens you chose to deposit. Funds deducted from your wallet balance will be added to your contract balance but put on hold until Switcheo has determined that it has been successfully broadcasted to the blockchain.

pyswitcheo.internal.api.offers module

An offer represents an open order that rests on the Switcheo Exchange offer book. Funds used to make an offer will be placed on hold unless the order is cancelled or filled

pyswitcheo.internal.api.orders module

Orders are instructions to buy or sell assets on Switcheo Exchange. At the moment, only Limit orders are available. Market, Fill-Or-Cancel, Make-Or-Cancel, etc. strategies are not available yet. As such, orders will contain a combination of zero or one make and/or zero or more fills. Once an order is placed, the funds required for the order is removed from the user’s balance and placed on hold until the order is filled or the order is cancelled.

pyswitcheo.internal.api.pairs module

pyswitcheo.internal.api.tickers module

The tickers section consists of endpoints that allow retrieval of market data on Switcheo Exchange. Authentication is not required for these endpoints.

pyswitcheo.internal.api.trades module

A trade represents a fill of an offer. This happens when an incoming order matches an offer on the opposite side of the order book in price. Trades can be seen on the Trade History column on Switcheo Exchange.

pyswitcheo.internal.api.withdrawals module

Withdrawals allow free movement of tokens from the Switcheo smart contract into your wallet. This movement of tokens is free of charge. Once a withdrawal has been executed, tokens in your contract balance would be deducted. Tokens that are put on hold by orders cannot be withdrawn. Withdrawals are not instantaneous. Tokens deducted from your contract balance will be added to your wallet balance but put on hold until the withdrawal has been fully executed.

Module contents