Source code for pyswitcheo.crypto_utils

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Crypto related wrapper functions."""

import re
import string
import logging
import base58
import hashlib
import binascii
from neocore.KeyPair import KeyPair

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__HEX_STRING_REGEX_OBJ = re.compile(r"^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*$/")

[docs]def is_hex(input_hex): """Check if the passed string is a hex string. Empty string is always treated as hex. """ if input_hex == "": return True return all(c in set(string.hexdigits) for c in input_hex)
[docs]def ensure_hex(input_hex): """Check if the passed string is a hex string else raise exception. Empty string is always treated as hex. """ if not is_hex(input_hex): raise Exception( "Expected a hexstring but got {input_hex}.".format(input_hex=input_hex) )
[docs]def reverse_hex(input_hex): """Reverse a HEX string, treating 2 chars as a byte. Expected results look like this: reverse_hex('abcdef') = 'efcdab' Args: input_hex (str): Input string in hex which needs to be converted. Returns: Hex string reversed. """ return "".join([input_hex[x: x + 2] for x in range(0, len(input_hex), 2)][::-1])
[docs]def num_to_hex_string(num, size=1, little_endian=False): """Convert a given number to hex string. Converts a number to a big endian hexstring of a suitable size, optionally little endian Args: num (int) : Input int for which we need to get the hex string size (int) : The required size in bytes, eg 1 for Uint8, 2 for Uint16. Defaults to 1. Returns: (str) """ if num < 0: raise Exception("num should be unsigned (>= 0)") if size % 1 != 0: raise TypeError("size must be a whole integer") size = size * 2 hexstring = hex(num)[2:] hexstr_len = len(hexstring) output = ( hexstring if hexstr_len % size == 0 else ("0" * (size) + hexstring)[hexstr_len:] ) if little_endian: return reverse_hex(output) return output
[docs]def num_to_var_int(num): """Convert a number to a variable length Int. Used for array length header. Detailed explanation Args: num (int) : A number Returns: (str) hexstring of the variable Int """ if num < 0xfd: return num_to_hex_string(num) elif num <= 0xffff: # uint16 return "fd" + num_to_hex_string(num, 2, True) elif num <= 0xffffffff: # uint32 return "fe" + num_to_hex_string(num, 3, True) else: # uint64 return "ff" + num_to_hex_string(num, 8, True)
[docs]def encode_msg(msg): """Convert a given msg to its hex representation. This is generally used when we send signed payload to the Switcheo api. Args: msg (str) : Input message which needs to be encoded. Returns: encoded message (str) """ if isinstance(msg, str): msg = msg.encode("UTF-8") encoded_msg = binascii.hexlify(msg) length_hex = hex(int(len(encoded_msg) / 2))[2:] logger.debug("Length of hex message {0}".format(length_hex)) encoded_msg = "010001f0{hex_len}{enc_msg}0000".format( hex_len=length_hex, enc_msg=encoded_msg.decode() ) logger.debug("Final message to sign : {0}".format(encoded_msg)) return encoded_msg
[docs]def get_private_key_from_wif(wif): """Fetch the private key from a wif represented in string format. Args: wif (str) : wif from which we need to extract the private key Returns: private key in bytearray format """ pk = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromWIF(wif) return KeyPair(pk).PrivateKey
[docs]def get_wif_from_private_key(priv_key): """Convert the given privatekey to a wif format. Args: priv_key (str) : private key in its hex string format. Returns: WIF format """ # Step 1: let's add 80 in front of it and 01 in the end extended_key = "80" + priv_key + "01" # Step 2: first SHA-256 first_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(extended_key)).hexdigest() # Step 3: second SHA-256 second_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(first_sha256)).hexdigest() # Step 4-5: add checksum to end of extended key final_key = extended_key + second_sha256[:8] # Step 6: finally the Wallet Import Format is the base 58 encode of final_key return base58.b58encode(binascii.unhexlify(final_key))
[docs]def get_script_hash_from_wif(wif): """Fetch the script hash of the public key from a wif represented in string format. Args: wif (str) : wif from which we need to extract the public key script hash Returns: public key script hash in string format """ pk = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromWIF(wif) keypair = KeyPair(pk) logger.debug("Public Address is {}".format(keypair.GetAddress())) return get_script_hash_from_address(keypair.GetAddress())
[docs]def get_script_hash_from_address(address): """Convert a given address to script hash. This code has been taken from: """ data = bytes(base58.b58decode(address)) # Make sure signature byte is correct. In python 3, data[0] is bytes, and in 2 it's str. # We use this isinstance checke to make it work with both Python 2 and 3. is_correct_signature = data[0] != 0x17 if isinstance(data[0], bytes) else b"\x17" if not is_correct_signature: raise Exception("Invalid address: wrong signature byte") # Make sure the checksum is correct if data[-4:] != hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data[:-4]).digest()).digest()[:4]: raise Exception("Invalid address: invalid checksum") # Return only the scripthash bytes, reverse it and return hex of it. return data[1:-4][::-1].hex()